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My New Organic Miracle Hair Mask for Dry Frizzy Hair

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 23, 2012 | 1:41 PM

As you guys know I try out MANY different natural stuff just to see if they work good or not and I only review the stuff that are not just good but EXCELLENT. And honestly, this is one of those reviews.
My hair is naturally curly so yes it tends to get frizzy and dry if I don't take care of it.
So here is something that made a HUGE difference in my hair texture and look :)...

The miracle is (drum-roll)............... SHEA BUTTER
Yes guys believe it or not.
And after explaining about the whole process I am going to give you guys a link of website in the end where you can buy ANY natural products for a REALLY cheap price and they are organic as far as I know.

What to Do?

  • So depending on the length of your hair take some Shea butter and put it in a bowl.
  • Its easier to apply it when it is liquid so I put it in microwave and melted it. 
  • Make sure its warm NOT hot because this will open up your hair cuticles and the product with be absorbed in hair shaft effectively.
  • Massage it in scalp and apply to the ends. This is like a hot oil treatment and REALLY nourishing for hair.
  • I kept this overnight and washed it away in the morning. 

After my hair was dry I could not stop feeling my hair because it was SUPER SOFT. Like a Miracle!
During the 2nd and 3rd day without washing hair, I noticed that my hair didn't get frizzy at all.
My hair in winter is like a frizz ball sometimes so when I go out in winter I HAVE TO keep my hair up but this week my hair was as soft and un-frizzy as never it had been before. 

I really recommend this product :)


  1. Great Hair Mask
  2. I also noticed that when I used it as a moisturiser for a week, my skin was a lot firmer. I am not sure why but it happened :)
  3. If you have rough/black knees then this will help you 
  4. This is a Multi Task Product basically and so saves LOTS of money
  5. It is sooooooooo cheap. Anyone can afford it. 


  1. Because the product is 100% natural, no perfumes or anything is added and so the smell isn't really bad but isn't really pleasant as well. 
Here is the website I got the product from: E-Natural.Com

Yup that is true.
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