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DIY: 3 Ways Whiten/Brighten Your Eyes Naturally

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 | 12:34 PM

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I have searched about this so much but only found 3 results. I have heard that using eye drops from over the counter can get rid of redness for a few hours but long term, it can make your eyes more and more red when you don't use it. So I bought the eye drops once and now I don't use them at all.
Then I went off to find out how to whiten them naturally. I found 2 Ayurvedic (ancient Indian) ways of curing it. So read more to find out...

Our mums were absolutely right. EAT THOSE CARROTS. YES carrots do make your eyes appear brighter and whiter. For this, you can buy some organic fresh carrots and put it in a blender and take some juice out of it. Use this juice as eye drops at night and wake up with beautiful brighter eyes :)

Ayurvedic Ways:

Have you ever heard of Indian Gooseberry fruit? If no, GOOGLE it. It is the best fruit for eyes, skin, hair and basically for everything. You have got to look up this thing. It is amaaazing what it does to you and how healthy it makes you. Well any-ways, you can use its juice and put it in your eyes at night.

As an alternative, you can also use Triphala powder for eyes. One of the ingredient of this powder is the Indian Gooseberry. This stuff is amazing for digestion and eyes. You can mix the powder with some distilled water and spray it in your eyes. This is an Ayurvedic advice too. My mum tried this and I see a difference in her eyes. I mean they look much more healthier than before. I tried this out too. You will feel a little sensation in your eyes but its totally normal.

I hope this help you guys :)
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