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DIY: Make Your Own Finishing/Setting Spray Suitable for Acne-Prone Skin

Written By Unknown on Sunday, August 5, 2012 | 11:25 AM

So there I was watching YouTube Beauty tutorials where the girls showed their favourite products.. A lot of them mentioned Mac's Fix + Finishing/Setting Spray and they all said it was amazing. It made their makeup flawless after a few mists of this product. So I got really excited about buying this and I did buy it. I compared the Mac's spray with my 100% Natural Finishing Spray. And here's what I think which one is better and which suits what skin type. Read more to find out...
You will be VERY surprised when I tell you about my secret setting or finishing spray that I use after I put my foundation and concealer.
It is just simple Cold Water stored in a spray bottle. Yes, ONLY Cold Water.

Now I have tried the Mac Spray a couple of times... about 10-11 times.
It is actually good but it makes my skin a little shiny. So I tried again and didn't spray too much this time but I had the same result. I had a shiny T-Zone.
Well I have naturally oily-combination skin so I thought this spray just made it more oilier.
BUT you can use it if you have dry skin. Then yes, definitely you will have that FLAWLESS model look.
For me, I think I will use it in winter when my skin gets a little dry. So I can balance out the whole skin issue.
You can even use this spray as a highlighter. Just spray this mist a few times on a sponge and dab it on your cheekbones and there you go... You have a lovely healthy glow to your skin ;)
When I use the Cold Water as a Finishing Spray, it makes me feel sooooo fresh and my make up is perfect. Its not too shiny and not too matte. Its somewhere in the middle with a natural looking finish.
It wakes me up instantly if I am lazy in the mornings.
It is good for acne because cold water is natural of course and since it is cold, it calms the inflammation of acne. And there are no harsh chemicals going on your skin to aggravate the acne.
I use water from the cold tap in my bathroom to be honest.
The best thing is that it is absolutely FREE.
I change the water every day and I fill my spray bottle with FRESH Cold Water. I don't like using yesterday's stored water. Its just not fresh for me you know.
I hope this helps you with your skin :)

So which one would you prefer? Comment below to let me know which works for you the best :)

Take Care.
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