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Ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) Beauty Secrets

Written By Unknown on Monday, July 9, 2012 | 1:55 PM

India has all types of people living in all kinds of places from a dusty dessert to tropical forests. And the secrets I am going to share with you all are coming from the era when princesses used to bathe in milk. So that is about 3000 years ago I am guessing.

Who doesn't wish to look beautiful. And so mothers have passed on their beauty secrets to their daughters to make them look like princesses.
Indian women mostly focus on their skin complexions, body shape and hair care.
We love to make our hair smell good, keep our skin fair and build curves in our body.
It is said that ancient Indian women were far more beautiful than they are today. It was because they didn't use any cosmetics.
Read more to find out those ancient secrets...

1)     If you are in a journey of losing weight, you might want to try adding spice in your diet e.g. chillies. But don't go overboard. Chillies speeds up your metabolism and believe it or not, even models add chillies in their diet to maintain their weight.

2)     To get rid of wrinkles, mash up a few slices of banana and apply it as a face mask. This is recommended for mature, dry skin.

3)     To tone and even out the skin complexion, make a paste of chick pea flour, turmeric and milk. Add the ingredients until it has consistency like any other face masks. Apply this paste all over your body and massage it in. Wash it out after 10-15 mins.

4)     Use cold water as a toner. It closes the pores, improves blood circulation and cell stimulation.

5)     For acne prone skin, mix some onion juice and honey in equal ratio. Apply it as a face mask and wash it after 10-15 mins. 

6)     Another face mask for acne prone skin uses sandalwood and turmeric powder mixed with yoghurt. This mask has anti-septic properties. It makes your skin smooth, soft, acne-free and even toned. Mix the ingredients until your desired consistency forms and apply it. Wash it after 10-15 mins.

7)     Ancient Indian women used Kajal (homemade natural eyeliner). It was made from castor oil, coconut oil, almond oil and black mustard seeds. This made your eyes brighter/whiter, it improved vision and stimulates the growth of eye lashes

8)    The main ingredients used for hair care were Amla, Shikakai, Coconut Oil and Henna. There are actually thousands of herbs that were used for hair care but these are the main ones. And I always use coconut oil. I can swear by it. It really does help my hair grow really fast.

9)     Ayurveda advises that do not put anything on your skin that you cannot eat. All their face masks are actually edible. Even if I use these natural stuff, I put make up on my skin like foundation. I wonder what it does to my skin :( I will try to use them less often now.

10)   Many people think that being beautiful will make us happy but it is really the other way around. You will be beautiful when you are happy from the inside. Try to walk past a crowd of people with a frown on your face or a beautiful smile and you will notice the difference.

The secret my Mum passed on to Me:

It is a face mask. My skin was really bad back then and so she advised me to apply this face mask which actually changed my skin A LOT. 
It was Honey and Cinnamon mask. For more details on this click HERE.

I truly want to stop using cosmetics and embrace these ancient secrets. And to be honest, the one that I have already embraced have worked WAY better than anything else. For example coconut oil for my hair, honey and cinnamon for skin and certain diets for body. I will try my best to adapt a Natural Healthy Lifestyle.

Are you willing to do that? Can you give up the cosmetics and embrace Natural ingredients that work like magic? I will certainly try my best :)

Take Care.
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