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DIY: How to Get Perfect Lashes Naturally

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 | 2:17 PM

Do you ever wonder "How do they get long full looking eyelashes" when looking at celebrities like Kim Kardashian? Because I always do. My eyelashes were falling out so much for the past few months so I tried a trick to make them longer and fuller Naturally.

1) Castor oil

This oil is AMAZING if you want dark and full eyelashes.

2) Almond Oil

This oil works for people with short lashes. So to make them longer I definitely recommend this oil. If your lashes are falling out, you can use this one too. I used this trick to prevent my lashes from falling out and now my lashes are looking longer than before and aren't falling out.

3) Petroleum Jelly

This is the cheapest way to moisturize eyelashes.
WARNING: One of my beautiful reader told me that be very careful when you put this on. It should NOT get into your eyes because it can be very harmful. Wash your eyes immediately with cold water if it does :)

4) Do not leave mascaras on your eyelashes overnight. 

I know sometimes we can get lazy and just can't be bothered to take it off. Well I do get lazy sometimes. But that's what causes your lashes to fall out and become shorter. Since then I stopped and I definitely see a difference.

5) Take vitamin supplements.

 Because your lashes are very similar to the hair on your head, you need vitamins and minerals to maintain them.

You can also combine some ingredients mentioned above if you have more than 1 problem. Any of the tips you use from above, you can apply them using a Q-tip. I just warm the oils between my fingers and apply directly.
Personal Experience: The 1st and 2nd trick works the best of all :)
Take care.
Love Krishna xxx

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