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DIY: Celebrity Skin Care & Products

Written By Unknown on Saturday, October 22, 2011 | 1:50 PM

Do you get that feeling when you are watching TV and you just wonder "How do they NEVER get any skin problems and always have that glow?" I always get that feeling. So here are some skin care tips that celebrities use. Some celebrities were interviewed and asked questions on their skin routines so here are their responses:

Jennifer Aniston:
"Most of the nights I just use Neutrogena soap" and "I have been washing my face with baking soda for years. It's not harsh on my skin and gives me a glow." Now I don't know about using baking soda on face because I have never tried it but if you guys want to give it a try. I would suggest this for girls with oily skin though.
Neutrogena Original Formula Facial Cleansing Bar, Fragrance Free $8

Kim Kardashian:
Here's a gross-out fact: Your cell phone is a bacteria farm because you spend all day pressing your face to the pad. The dirt and oil in your face embeds itself on the keypad and then you smash that against your face. Once a week, take a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad (not dripping or you'll break your phone) and disinfect.
Kendall Curity Nonsterile Alcohol Prep Pads, 300 count $3.15

Jennifer Lopez:
She said several times that honey is her secret weapon for beautiful glowing skin. It is an acknowledged fact that honey contains many nutrients and vitamins that are essential our complexion. 

Halle Berry:
She advises us to use fruit acids to exfoliate skin and dead skin cells. I completely agree with her and do suggest it. I haven't tried it but I think I will now. You can do it with avocados, oranges, kiwis and so on..

Take Care.
Love Krishna xxx

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